Some links to other nice Radiohead websites:
The official site, w/ news and messages from the band, along with some other very interesting stuff. 
Green Plastic
The coolest part of this site is probably the gigography and song interpretations. 
Radiohead @
Archive of Radiohead's appearances in RS, trivia, etc. 
1=2 Tape Trading
This guy has some pretty cool tapes for trade. 
My Iron Duck
Interesting site... Claims to be dedicated to the lighter side of Radiohead's music. 
Planet Telex
Excellent site for Radiohead music downloads and reviews of bootlegs. 
The online Radiohead zine. 
Oxygen Kiosk
Great list of lots and lots and LOTS of RH links. 

Beatles Central
Another site I made with a friend. 

These links rooooock.